Shopian Police arrested one person namely Sajad Ahmed Ganie S/o Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Ganie R/o Memander Shopian who was deceiving people in the name of proving Govt Jobs in lieu of substantial monetary benefits. FIR registered & investigation taken up.
"General Public is advised no to fall or become victim of such scams & if anyone is deceiving you with such scams inform Shopian Police which is always available to deal with such scammers strictly" Police said
Police station shopian while received information arrested one person namely Sajad Ahmed Ganie @Sanj guard S/o Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Ganie R/o Memander Shopian who was deceiving people in the name of proving Govt Jobs in lieu of substantial monetary benefits. It is pertinent to mention here that the arrested person is affiliated with BJP political party and is working as media incharge shopian of BJP party.