Ab Qayoom wani Chairman Jammu and Kashmir civil society forum and Former president Ejac supports the Just and genuine cause of the Nursing & Paramedical aspirants of jammu and kashmir. While interacting with some of the aspirants they stated that Board of Professional Entrance Examination (BOPEE) invites
application for Parmedical / Nursing Diploma & degree courses in the Month of March every year during the last three years and are supposed to finalize the selection process by the month of June every year as is done in other States.
But unfortunately BOPEE officials being non-professional and non- serious approach about the carrier of the aspirants, starts the counseling process either in the Month of November or December resulting which the students are compelled either to waste their one precious year or to opt professional courses out of the state, especially in Punjab which resulted huge loss of more than 45 crores annually to the JKUT turnover. This set of admission procedure adopted by BOPEE not only effects the students alone, atleast 150 colleges of JK are also the worst sufferer as they have not been able to get any enrolment in their colleges during the lost two academic sessions and almost all the private institution of JK are near to closure because of the financial crises suffered by them during the last two years. Wani said Even in Government Paramedical & Nursing Colleges more than 50% of the seats are remained vacant during the last two academics year, which shall definitely effect the medical services in the coming days in j and k
Wani said that the the defective admission process adopted by BOPEE the qualified youth of JK are compelled to move out of State for admission in different Paramedics & nursing courses which clearly indicates the Nexues between the Private Universities of Punjab and some official of BOPEE.
Wani further stated that to save the future of the Students of JK the private institutions should be given liberty to fill the vacant seats, after completion of counseling by BOPEE, as has been given to such private institutions in the adjoining State like Punjab, Haryana & Himachal, to fill the vacant seats .
Wani urged upon the Lt Governor of JKUT that when government has given liberty to private Polytechnic colleges of JKUT to fill up the left over seats in the diploma courses in Engineering at the institute level after first counseling of BOPEE is over vide order No. DSD/Poly/36/2020 dated 28.10.2020, private paramedical & nursing colleges of JKUT should be given such liberty to save guard the future of the aspirants for such courses.wani said that if this genuine issue will not be considered on priority the leaders of jammu kashmir civil society forum are ready to come on roads with these aspirants in the larger intrest of student community.Wani assured full support to the delegation of these aspirants from JKCSF for their just and geniune demand.